Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All I Have Left.

Tyshaana Thomas                                                    June 12th, 2012

 I've been a writer for as long as I can honestly remember. But never have I ever experienced writers block to such an extreme. I have not written a damn thing since April 13, 2012. One day shy of three months. The crazy thing about it is, just recently somebody told me, "It's okay, you just need some inspiration." and then just walked right out of my life like it was the easiest thing they've ever done. Thanks for the inspiration, ASSHOLE. I'm Tyshaana Thomas, & I deserve somebody who gives a fuck.
 I've never been like any of these other girls out here. I was raised knowing the simple fact that, if you don't respect yourself; you can’t expect anybody else to respect you either & I lived by that. I've never had sex, I'm not running the streets, I didn't even get my first kiss till I was 17 & a half, & I sure as hell never had the, "Everybody's had her" reputation that a lot of these females have now-a-days. I am special, I'm a catch. But I guess it's true what they say, "The good guy always finishes last."
Well, I could sit here and get all super dramatic, but I’m not. I’m just going to state the facts of my generation. Drake said, “We live in a generation of not being in love, and not being together”, and if you ask me, nobody has said it better. It’s true. Nobody wants to dedicate his or her time and love to JUST one person anymore. Guys are looking for girls who don’t have standards, the ones they can call whenever they’re in need of a quick fix with no commitment. And well, if you’re a girl like me? The type of girl you can bring home to meet your family, the type of female who has morals? Well, sorry but it sucks to be you because your not what they’re looking for. J.Cole said were living in a world where we shun virgins, and praise hoes. The sad part is, its true. Good girls get used and abused and for what? Because other females have no class.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Something Different For Me..

Dedicated to my Enchanted”, not a usual letter starter… but this is how all of these letters started that were delivered to my house on my 18th birthday in a cardboard box. No return address, but one wasn’t needed because your location was already well known…

My heart.

Love tore apart by unsupportive by-standers and a single heart broken.
Just mines.
So I thought, but as I sat there with your letters in my hand, tears rolled down my face because then and only then did I realize
It wasn't just mines.

I had always thought that you had just forgotten about me and everything that we had 
You never fought for me…
And I could never understand why.
I never could understand anything ‘til this very day…
You always acted as if you were never fazed by any of this,
But here you had been writing me letters the whole time that we were apart…
The whole year and four months that we were

When hard times came about,
“Don’t forget”
Were words of code that we whispered amongst each other.
Words only us, and a few close friends really knew the meaning of.
Don’t forget me …
Don’t forget …
No two words said more,
Yet no two words did I think you would forget more quickly.

“My heart was never completely invested in letting you go, and I prayed that yours was never completely invested in letting me go either…”
The most memorable part of these letters…
No words replayed in my head more often then those, nor had my heart beating
That you could literally see it jumping out of my chest.
At this point the tears that were rolling down my face previous to this line,
Kicked into full-blown “waterfall” mode…
Therefore causing my fresh birthday make-up to run down my face.
Turns out you waited for me.
Just like I prayed you would.

“Dedicated to my Enchanted”
Yes still a strange way to start a letter, but as I spent my whole 18th birthday reading and rereading these letters you wrote to me, while listening to music it all began to make sense.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift began to play
And as I sat there and listened to the lyrics I realized what it meant to not only be just “somebody’s” Enchanted,
But to be yours.
You were enchanted to meet me…
We were enchanted to be together.

But you know what’s crazy?
You signed all your letters
“The one who lost it all…”
And finally your name…

Sad thing is,
I was the one who really lost it all, as I opened my eyes to realize…
It was all
Just a dream …

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dedicated to MY Enchanted

“Dedicated to my Enchanted”, not a usual letter starter… but this is how all of these letters started that were delivered to my house on my 18th birthday in a cardboard box. No return address, but one wasn’t needed because your location was already well known… My heart.
Love tore apart by unsupportive by-standers and a single heart broken. Just mines, so I thought but as I sat there with your letters in my hand, tears rolled down my face because then and only then did I realize it wasn't just mines. I had always thought that you had just forgotten about me and everything that we had. You never fought for me, no us and I could never understand why. I never could understand anything ‘til this very day. You always acted as if you were never fazed by any of this, but here you had been writing me letters the whole time that we were apart… The whole year and four months that we were forcefully separated.
When hard times came about, “Don’t forget” were words of code that we whispered amongst each other that only us, and a few close friends knew the meaning of. “Don’t forget me and don’t forget iloveyou...” No two words said more, but no two words did I think you would forget more quickly. But you didn't, you never forgot.
“My heart was never completely invested in letting you go, and I prayed that yours was never completely invested in letting me go either…” was the most memorable part of these letters… No words replayed in my head more often then those, nor had my heart beating so fast that you could literally see it jumping out of my chest. At this point the tears that were rolling down my face previous to this line, kicked into full-blown “waterfall” mode, causing my fresh birthday make up to run down my face. Turns out you waited for me, just like I prayed you would.
“Dedicated to my Enchanted”, yes still a strange way to start a letter, but as I spent my whole 18th birthday reading and rereading these letters you wrote to me, while listening to music it all began to make sense. Enchanted by Taylor Swift began to play and as I sat there and listened to the lyrics I realized what it meant to not only be just “somebody’s” Enchanted, but to be yours. You were enchanted to meet me… we were enchanted to be together.
But you know what’s crazy? You signed all your letters, “The one who lost it all” and your name… Sad thing is, I was the one who really lost it all, as I opened my eyes to realize it was all just a dream …

Friday, March 30, 2012

After that, the change was complete... I was brand new. A few scrapes and bruises physically, but emotionally; I was finally okay. Weaker than strong, but stronger than weak. Less than prepared, but more than ready. Be STRONG, move on..

- This is a personal quote that I wrote not to long ago and I think its pretty creative. It actually ended up becoming a personal statement to myself, and somethings that I'm dealing with at the moment. When I first started to write this it really wasn't supposed to be so meaningful to me, but I don't know, when I just began to write and it hit me so hard I began to be engaged. And funny thing is, I tweeted this line and Jamez, was also engaged by it. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

White Buses ..

          White buses. Almost like school buses but all white. To you, these are JUST white buses; but to me on the other hand, they weren’t. I knew these buses were gonna be the buses to take my brother and hundreds of other troops to their first stop on their journey to Afghanistan. No bus did I despise more…
            Soldier Tyree R. Thomas, closest person to me, strongest person around me. My big brother, my rock and my personal diary. Just two years and eight months older than myself, fighting a war… and not the type of “war” normal 19 year olds are fighting…
             Me and my brother weren’t always close, I was always the annoying little sister he used to tease and beat up all the time. Until around my 15th birthday or so, that’s all I was. After that, things changed a lot. My brother began to be the nightmare teenager that no parent wanted to face. Skipping school, breaking curfew, the works. And that changed it all because when everybody was against him spreading his wings and being more of an adult, I stood by him. I always wanted to be like my brother Ty, but not in the sense of him being a troublemaker, but more in the sense of being so strong, and so bold. You see, my brother never took shit from anybody. Not teachers, principles, and more importantly… not my mom. He did what he felt as though was gonna make him happy, regardless of what anybody thought or said. I always admired that about him.
             Anyways, so during that part of his life is when he recognized that I was no longer his baby sister oblivious to the world, but I was his little sister who knew more than he thought. I was his little sister who he grew fond of and could tell anything to. I was not only his little sister anymore. I was his best friend.
            Fast forward a little and he’s out of high school, as Wiz Khalifa would say, he was living “Young, Wild & Free”. Everything was good until that late night he was looking down the barrow of a loaded gun, all because of his graduation gift; his new HTC phone. After that, he was constantly targeted on the streets and finally, my mom and him decided that enough is enough. Soon after that he joined the United States Army. Crazy thing about it is, us being as close as we are by this point, he didn’t even tell me. By the time it was too late for me to give my input, my mom told me. Papers were signed already and everything. I don’t remember much about that day but crying and my mom saying, “We felt as though we would rather him die a hero, oppose to him dying in the streets”…

-This piece isn't very creative in my eyes, but it definitely shows my growth. It took a lot for me to finish this piece with it being such a touchy subject, and my problem with finishing things. Actually to be quite honest, this isn't what I had in mind when I thought of this piece as being "finished". Also I would like to think that since this is such a real, honest story... its pretty engaging because it gives an insight on something I personally struggle with on a daily basis. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A great piece that caught my eye..


If I could live my life over again,
in the next one I would try to make more mistakes.
I wouldn't try to be so perfect, I would relax more.
I would be sillier than I've been,
In fact, I would take very few things seriously.
I would be less fastidious.
I would take more risks,
I would go on more trips,
I would contemplate more sunsets,
I would climb more mountains,
I would swim more rivers.
I would go to more places where I have never been,
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans,
I would have more real problems and fewer imaginary ones.
I was one of those people who lived every minute 
of his life sensibly and productively; 
of course I had moments of happiness.
But if I could go back I would try
to have only good moments.
Because if you don't already know it, 
this is what life is made of, only of moments, 
Don't let the present moment slip away.
I was one of those who never 
went anywhere without a thermometer,
a hot water bottle,
an umbrella and a parachute;
If I could live my life over again, I would travel lighter.
If I could live again I would start going barefoot 
at the beginning of spring 
and I would stay barefoot until the end of fall. 
I would go on more mery-go-round rides,
I would contemplate more sunrises,
and I would play with more children,
if my life were ahead of me once again.
But, now you see, I am 85 years old and I know that I am dying.

*author is unknown*

Friday, March 16, 2012

Spoiled Rotten ..

Whenever he mentions Paris, I think of where I came from. The nights my stomach growled so loud the city stopped to say, "Damn... What the hell was that...?" The days I sat at the lunch table with all the other kids, and had to lie and say, "I forgot my lunch at home again" just because it sounded a lot better than, "My parents can't afford to feed me three times a day... I'm lucky if I even eat once." Paris, huh? Isn't that funny ...
Slimey, three week old baked chicken and flat soda... Sounds gross, but compared to spoiled milk in stale Cheerios , that was my favorite meal. I never had the option of freshly cooked meals of my choosing. In my eyes, only royalty did... And me? Well in the story of the Prince and The Paulper, I was the Paulper. I grew up in a very low class house. Birthdays were just regular days, and Christmas didn't exist. I've never even had an actual Christmas tree. Well except for that one year my mom dated that "child doctor" which was just his excuse for raping little kids. Yup, you read right, about a year into them dating, the cops showed up at my door step, kicked in our already weak door, and left with him in cuffs. Isn't it ironic how he gave me a childhood that one year with the money he got for taking the childhood of others completely..? Crazy shit to think about right? Well after that, things just went completely downhill for me and my mom. Not only were we broke as hell, but my mom bounced from one bad guy to the next. There was Michael the musician, who was a druggy/ drunk. Then there was Bill the boxer, who beat the shit out of my mom on a daily. Next was Steven the scammer, who took us for everything we had (which wasn't much from the jump) and finally, my personal favorite: "Too Friendly" Tom, who couldn't keep his damn hands to himself. It was a daily ritual for him to come into my room in the wee hours of the night... His night wasn't complete without it. Oh and the nights that he was too drunk or high, or both to handle his "business", he blamed me and I got it twice as bad the next night. Yup, so him being a drug addict was totally my fault.
Rotten eggs scrambled, put on molded bread, accompanied by "blue cheese" which wasn't exacty blue cheese when we first got it... This was breakfast, if I was lucky that is. Now a days, I have five course breakfasts and in bed if that's how I want it! So much has changed since I've met the love of my life. Nobody thought it would last. Especially not my witch of a mother. I guess she was just being a hater being though she never really had a real relationship with a man. You know, the type of relationship where she didn't get beat and disrespected on a daily and he actually loved her. Yup, a hater. That is the word that describes my mom.
Anyways, back to something that actually matters... Paris. Whenever he mentions Paris, I still get chill bumps. The lights, the language, the city of love. Exactly where him and I belong. He has a beautiful townhouse right by the Eiffel Tower. It's practically close enough to touch. That's where we spend our night out there. Dinner on the second story of the Eiffel Tower then a night on the town... Hmm... Paris... (:

Just A Taste, Of Timed Writing ..

Dark sky, bright lights, and a bad decision. Never again will I ever get drunk...
I don't remember much about that night, I just remember waking up a month later, screaming at the sight of my extremely burned skin, and amputated leg. I was the talk of the town, I was the girl so lucky to be alive ... I was the girl who got hit by the trolly in West Philadelphia, that late friday night back on New Years Eve last year. I was the "Trolly Angel" ...

- This was all inspired by the picture that was taken by Ms. Bavaro. I just wanted to kind of "B.S" a story out of it and ended up coming up with something that was more creative than I expected. Not only does that show my creativity, but also my growth, in an engaging way.

Friday, March 9, 2012

POV Final Draft .

Tyshaana Thomas

"Don't you go getting married, don't you go get engaged. I know you're getting older, don't have no time to waste. I shouldn't be much longer, but you shouldn't have to wait... can't lose you, can't have it, I'm so sorry I'm so selfish..."
-Good Ones Go, Drake.
This quote says it all literally. Everything I always wanna tell you but just don't is right here. Everything but, iloveyou ...
We were never the perfect love story, and yeah I know I say this to you all the time but it's true. You and I never had the chance to have that perfect love story we always dreamed of. Well, at least what I always dreamed of because only God knows what you dream of at night. Anyways, there was always something standing in our way. If it wasn't one of us, it was somebody else. But this particular time, it was both. See, me and you are one in the same. Two peas in a pod one might say, but that isn't always a good thing. Like right now, this is nowhere near a good thing. See because, were even the same when were angry. Like I'm stubborn, and you're my equal times two. And I'm pride heavy, but you? There aren't even words to explain how pride heavy you are.
So here we are and theres only three words that can explain this situation, "Indirect Twitter Tweets". Stupid and childish I know, but me being who I am, and you being who you are, you started it and I followed up. I sit back now with tears in my eyes thinking, "Damn, why didn't I just be the bigger person?!" But no, I was mad. So mad. You always said the only reason you were with her was because you knew you couldn't be with me, but when it came down to it; that night at the bowling alley, you chose her over me. "You can't just come out and say hi?! It'll only take a minute!" "No, I'm with my girl." But this is my fault, I should have been wiser because it wasn't the first time you chose some random hoe who "meant nothing" over the girl you are "in love" with. But nooo, here I go giving you the benefit of the doubt yet again 'cause maybe, just maybe, you'll actually get it right this time. You didn't though, you never do . But I knew from the jump what I was getting myself into. You were no longer mines, but my heart wouldn't respect that. Never has, never will. I'm always gonna want to be with you. You have this crazy hold on my heart, and even after how things went down that night... Well, the heart still wants what the heart wants because at the end of the day, the mind is the part of the body that gets angry. Not the heart.
"I can stop loving you and I will", followed by a "Thanks for the memories" on my part and then soon ending with a "There will never be an us". Words of anger we both knew were pointless. You hurting me more than I, hurting you yet both being hurt. And you know it's never fair because I end up a wreck, and you on the other hand end up fine, or at least that's how you make it seem. And I know, I know you tell me not to assume, but actions speak louder than words when words are never spoken. But you, being "new to this love thing" as you've once told me, never really liked to be open with your feelings. But when you did, you went all out. Random "iloveyou" texts in the middle of the night, which never got old and other cute things of the such. These were the little things that made this unofficial, official relationship we shared, something truely beautiful. I'll repeat, never the perfect love story, but definitely a story worth reading.
"Unstoppable", if I had to describe us in one word. "In love" if I had too, in two. We had it all, everything but the support we needed. My thoughts were that this would make or break us, and it did exactly that but in a different way than I thought. Because somehow some way, we always find our way back to each other. And as I'm sure you already know, I'm praying every minute of everyday that this time wouldn't be any different... But if it is? I guess what everybody says is right..."Sometimes love just isn't enough" ...

" & I know, I know you tell me not to assume but actions speak louder than words when words are never spoken..."

- This is one of my favorite lines I have ever written.I honestly think this is one of the most creative lines I have ever came up with. Its so personal, and it adds a new twist to a classic quote. I also think that this line is engaging. It kinda tells a story, well more like the history thats behind the actual story. It shows my growth in writing, because months ago I would have never thought of taking such a classic quote, and making my own classic quote out of it.