Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All I Have Left.

Tyshaana Thomas                                                    June 12th, 2012

 I've been a writer for as long as I can honestly remember. But never have I ever experienced writers block to such an extreme. I have not written a damn thing since April 13, 2012. One day shy of three months. The crazy thing about it is, just recently somebody told me, "It's okay, you just need some inspiration." and then just walked right out of my life like it was the easiest thing they've ever done. Thanks for the inspiration, ASSHOLE. I'm Tyshaana Thomas, & I deserve somebody who gives a fuck.
 I've never been like any of these other girls out here. I was raised knowing the simple fact that, if you don't respect yourself; you can’t expect anybody else to respect you either & I lived by that. I've never had sex, I'm not running the streets, I didn't even get my first kiss till I was 17 & a half, & I sure as hell never had the, "Everybody's had her" reputation that a lot of these females have now-a-days. I am special, I'm a catch. But I guess it's true what they say, "The good guy always finishes last."
Well, I could sit here and get all super dramatic, but I’m not. I’m just going to state the facts of my generation. Drake said, “We live in a generation of not being in love, and not being together”, and if you ask me, nobody has said it better. It’s true. Nobody wants to dedicate his or her time and love to JUST one person anymore. Guys are looking for girls who don’t have standards, the ones they can call whenever they’re in need of a quick fix with no commitment. And well, if you’re a girl like me? The type of girl you can bring home to meet your family, the type of female who has morals? Well, sorry but it sucks to be you because your not what they’re looking for. J.Cole said were living in a world where we shun virgins, and praise hoes. The sad part is, its true. Good girls get used and abused and for what? Because other females have no class.